September 30, 1980
The Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, has authorized the use of this Commercial Item Description for the purchase of Instant Cereal for Babies.
This Commercial Item Description covers instant cereal for babies for use by all Federal agencies.
Salient Characteristics
The cereal shall be completely cooked and flaked, of suitable size such that it is readily soluble in milk or water and usable as a dietary supplement for infants, and of one or more of the following types:
1. Rice
2. Wheat
3. Oat
4. Barley
5. Corn
6. High Protein (with soya powder)
7. Mixed
The cereal shall be processed in the United States and its possessions from grains produced in the United States. The cereal shall be prepared from clean, sound grains. The product shall have an age on delivery to the Federal Government of not more than 45 days. The product shall comply with all provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and regulations promulgated thereunder. Unless otherwise specified, the product shall be fortified at a level not to exceed 50 percent of the USRDA for infants per 1/2 ounce serving.
The contractor shall certify that the product offered: meets the salient characteristics of this Commercial Item Description; conforms with the producer’s own specifications, standards, including product characteristics, manufacturing procedures, quality control procedures, and storage and handling practices; is the same product offered for sale on the commercial market; has a national or regional distribution from storage points located within the United States or its territories and possessions; and
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