Department of Transportation (DOT), Code of Federal Regulations, 450 and 451 and DOT, Bureau of Explosives, BOE-6000, part 172, appendix C are available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20202.
ISO 1496/1, ISO 1161, ISO 668, ISO 6346 are available from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York , NY 10018.
SSPC-10 is available from the Steel Structures Painting Council, 4400 Fifty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2683.
The contracting officer should require that three complete sets of approved blueprints/design drawings as stamped by the approval agency and shall accompany all proposals submitted. A stamp of approval by the approval agency which is subject to satisfactory prototype test is acceptable.
The contracting officer should require that three complete sets of fully approved design drawings as stamped by the approval authority must be submitted prior to the start of production. Recommend all changes be approved by the contracting officer in addition to the approval authority.
The contracting officer should require that three complete sets of specifications accompany all proposals submitted; and three complete sets of specifications, fully approved, be submitted prior to the start of production. Recommend all changes must be approved by the contracting officer.
The contracting officer should require three copies of the container finishing and surface protection treatment offered accompany proposals submitted.
The following are suggested sources of supply (competition is not limited to these sources):
Container Concepts Inc., 7501 Lemont Road, Suite 230, Woodridge, IL 60517. Telephone: (708) 985-5850.
Containertechnik Hamburg GmbH & Company, Heilwigstrassse 107, 2000 Hamburg 20, Federal Republic of Germany. Telephone (40) 46 10 69.
Energo Invest R.O. Vaso Miskin Crni, Davrovalaca Krvi br4, 71000 Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, Telephone: (71) 526 322.
Ganz Danubius Trading Co Ltd., POB 118 H-1325 Budapest, Hungary. Telephone: (1) 149370
Graaff GmbH, P.O. Box 160 + 180 Heinrich-Nagel-Strasse 1, D3210, Elze (Hanover), Federal Republic of Germany. Telephone: (0) 5068-18-281.
HIM Containers Ltd, Old Post Office, Calcutta 700 001 India. Telephone: (33) 28-7856.
Hung Myung Industrial Company Ltd., 115 Samgak-Dong, Choong-ku, 4-5 Floor, Kyunggi Bldgm Seoul, Republic of Korea. Telephone: (2) 733-5931.
Inta-Eimar Holding, Contespan-Eimar SA, Poligono Industrial de Malpica, Calle H No 12, 50016, Zaragoza, Spain. Telephone: (76) 574662.
Rautaruukki Oy, Oulu Works, P.O. Box 217, 90101, Oulu, Finland. Telephone: (81) 382-453.
Sicom Spa, Via Casassam Regione Oltre Tanaro, 1262 Cherasco (CN), Italy. Telephone: (172) 48215.
Swedecon Mekaniska AB, Box 5044, S-831 05 Ostersund, Sweden. Telephone: (63) 11 76 30
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