mill scale, rust, corrosion products, oxides, paint or any other foreign matter. Very light shadows or very slight streaks caused by mill scale, oxides or other slight discolorations on the finished surface shall be acceptable. At least 95 percent of each square inch (2.54 cm2) of surface area shall be free of all visible residues and the remainder shall be limited to the slight discoloration mentioned above. Primer coat. The primer coat shall be that which is commercially offered by the container manufacturer. The primer shall contain anticorrosive properties, which shall retard the corrosion of the steel. The primer coat shall be applied to the dry film thickness recommended by the primer manufacturer. Top coat. The top coat shall be compatible with the applied primer coat. The exterior finish color shall be in accordance with FED-STD-595 (see 7.2.3), color number 33446 (tan) or as specified in 7.1. Interior finish color shall be light gray or white. The final coating thickness shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
2.3.16 Identification and markings. Identification and markings shall be permanent and legible and shall include as a minimum, the manufacturer's identification code (CAGE), the contract number, and the part number (see 7.1). Interior marking. The owner's code and serial number shall be stamped or bead welded in characters not less than 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) high on the interior surface of the door end top rail (header) (see 7.1). The number shall be located on either the top left corner fitting or within an area of 18 in. (45.7 cm) from the left corner post where it will not be obscured. Exterior marking. The container shall be marked in accordance with ISO 6346 (see 7.2.4). Each exterior wall of the container shall be marked with a minimum 3 in. high letters:
The upper quadrant of each exterior wall shall be marked with a United States flag, with minimum dimensions of 8 in. (20.3 cm) in height by 12 in. (30.5 cm) in length. All markings shall have a minimum five year life. Approval plates. Approval plates for the International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) (see 7.2.6) and Transport International des Routiers (TIR) plates or plaques (see 7.2.7) shall be applied for and obtained from a designated approval authority, attached and displayed as required by the convention in accordance with CFR 49, parts 450 and 451 (see 7.2.2). Any additional requirements of the approval authority shall be met. Each container shall be affixed with the seal of the approval authority.
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