TABLE II. Examination of sample unit for defects - Continued
Examine |
Defect |
CATEGORY Major Minor |
Markings (3.4) |
Markings are missing, illegible, incomplete, or incorrect. |
x |
Markings are not positioned as specified or of proper size. |
x |
Workmanship (3.5) |
Improper fit of components. |
x |
Condition of components (boxes, sleeves, slides, caps, tubes, and cushions) |
Tear, split, or puncture (affecting serviceability). Unduly dirty, stained, or scuffed. |
x x |
Unduly ragged, uneven, or crushed edges (except crushed edge of fibeRboard at manufacturer's joint). |
x | Examination of the end item for count per bundle. The sample unit for this examination shall be one bundle of one type, style, and size of assembled packs. The count per bundle shall be not less than specified. Examination of preparation for delivery. An examination shall be made to determine that packaging, packing, and markings comply with the requirements of section 5. The sample unit for this examination shall be one shipping container or pallet load prepared for shipment. Inspection levels for examination. The inspection levels, for determining the sample size, shall be as follows:
Examination Paragraph |
Inspection Level | |
s - 1 | |
s - 4 | |
s - 1 |
4.4 Electrostatic properties test. specimens shall be tested for conformance to the requirements of The static decay time of the cushioning material specimens shall be determined in
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